2012 is right around the corner: a brand new year with brand new opportunities and brand new possibilities. Now is the perfect time to take a good look inside and ask: What is it that I do or would love to do that energizes me the most? What is my God-given dream?

Eric Liddle, the Scottish runner who competed in the 1924 Olympics, became famous through the movie “Chariots of Fire.” He knew he had a calling from God to be a missionary, but he also knew God called him to run. When he was challenged by his sister to go immediately to serve as a missionary in China rather than competing in the Paris Olympics, Eric said “God has made me for a purpose—to be a missionary, aye, but he has made me fast, and when I run, I feel God’s pleasure.” He chose to run for God.

What is it that you do, or want to do, that causes you to feel God’s pleasure? This may be the Lord leading you to pursue your God-given dreams. Obviously there are seasons in life, but for this next season, what would you love to do if God opened the door for you?

Paul the apostle told Archippus, “Be sure to fulfill the ministry the Lord has given to you” (Colossians 4:17). What is the ministry the Lord has given to you? Is it in business, in your family, in the church, in your community or is it something entirely new? God wants us to take steps of faith to fulfill our God-given dreams.

I met a young man who dreaded going to work every day. His friend asked him what he would love to do in the next season of his life. When he
thought of teaching he felt energized. He was encouraged to take a step of faith and take classes at a local college. Today he is living his God-given dream, completely fulfilled as a teacher in a local school, fulfilling his ministry from the Lord.

2012 is right around the corner. Let’s commit ourselves afresh to the Lord and to dream again. Expect to feel God’s pleasure.