Some years back, my daughter and I had the dubious experience of destroying the engines in our two cars on the same day. I had become so busy “building the kingdom,” I forgot to check the oil in the vehicles. Both our cars’ engines overheated and were ruined beyond repair. Since that time, I learned the extreme importance of keeping a close watch on the critical gauges on the dashboards of our cars!

I believe that, like the gauges in our cars, God has given three specific personal gauges to help us live passionately for Jesus while maintaining a proper life balance so we do not burn out in the process. These gauges include our spirit gauge, our soul gauge, and our body gauge. When these gauges are all healthy, we can run the race of life for Christ to its entirety, not dropping out prematurely. “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your  whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

Our spirit gauge

Jesus, our divine model, lived a life of radical obedience to the Father. He did nothing, unless the Father told him to do it (John 8:28). He valued time alone with his heavenly Father early each morning, listening to his voice. Time alone with our heavenly Father each day keeps us healthy in our spirit. Let’s check our spirit gauge.

Our soul gauge

The enemy knows that if he can wound our soul, he can minimize the effect the Holy Spirit will have in our lives. Our soul—our mind, will, and emotions needs to be cleansed and revitalized regularly. Is there anyone you have bitterness against? Keep short accounts. Forgive because you have been forgiven (Matthew 6:14). Keep your soul healthy. We must keep our eyes on our soul gauge.

Our body gauge

Jesus understood that His Spirit lived in a physical body and that His body and soul needed to be taken care of. He knew when to withdraw from the crowds to rest and rejuvenate His body and soul. Eating properly and exercise can also go a long way in keeping our bodies healthy. Let’s evaluate our lives and check our body gauge regularly.

Check your gauges. It could save your life.