I just returned from Taiwan where many are doing very well financially. In the USA many are struggling with a troubled economy. It struck me that those I met who were blessed financially lived humble simplistic generous lives, focusing on building the kingdom of God instead of focusing on what they had. May we never forget; any finances or possessions the Lord has given to us belong to Him. We are simply managers of that which He has given. 1 Corinthians 4:2 states clearly…”Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” We are entrusted with God’s money and possessions, and what we have should be faithfully used to honor our God and build His kingdom.

The Lord has also called us to be content with what we have. Paul said it like this…”I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” (Phil. 4:11). To be content means to be free from complaining. There are times that our family has lived with very little and other times we have been abundantly blessed. Either way, God has called us to be content and triumphantly live above our changing circumstances. Last week I spent 23 hours in the same middle seat in the back section of a United Airlines flight due to weather problems in Tokyo. It was a great opportunity to learn to be content.

People often want their needs gratified immediately. Some go deeply into debt to buy the things they think they cannot do without. This is a mistake and breeds discontentment. It is also a mistake to want to get rich quick instead of paying the price faithfully, obeying God, day by day. This kind of “lottery thinking” or “waiting until I get a big break” is really “poverty thinking.” If we focus on a distant chance that may come, we will be hindered from moving forward today. Financial and kingdom advancement come to those who apply God’s principles on a consistent, long-term basis (Heb. 6:12). Remember, the “steps” of a good man are ordered by the Lord (Ps. 37:23). Take a step today.