At work, in the church, in our families and in the community

Seminar Purpose
To help participants identify and understand conflict and provide techniques for improving conflict resolution and communication skills.

The one thing that we have to realize is that conflict does and will always exist. Conflict exists as a reality in any relationship and is bound to occur just because people think differently and have differing needs. Jay Hall’s definition of conflict is:

Conflict exists whenever there are important differences between people, groups, or communities which, should they persist and remain unresolved, serve to keep the parties involved apart in some way.

Unresolved conflicts tend to grow from minor to major; little to big; cold war to hot. Whether you’re dealing with a conflict at work or at home, the most valuable thing you can do is remain in control of your emotions. This can be incredibly difficult, particularly if you think the other person is being rude, thoughtless, or insensitive. But it is vital that you keep your cool and not meet anger with anger if you hope to find a constructive resolution to the conflict.

Even God’s children frequently view conflict the same way that non-believers do. However, Scripture teaches a different perspective. Understanding the idols of our heart that spark and fuel conflict will change the way a person addresses conflicts in their own life. Our workshop will examine the nature and role of conflict and understand and improve the participant’s own style of response to conflict.

This six-hour seminar includes these topics:

  • Why is Conflict So Difficult?
  • Eight Key Causes of Conflict
  • A Biblical Response to Conflict
  • Understanding Your Own Conflict Style
  • Basic Methods for Resolving Conflict
  • What Does God Expect of Me and the Church in Helping Others Resolve Their Own Conflicts?


9:00 AM Welcome & Introduction

Session 1.  Why is Conflict So Difficult?

Session 2.  Eight Key Causes of Conflict


Session 3.  A Biblical Response to Conflict

Session 4.  Understanding Your Own Conflict Style

12:30 PM Lunch

Session 5.  Basic Methods for Resolving Conflict 


Session 6.  What Does God Expect of Me and the Church in Helping Others Resolve Their Own Conflicts?

Discussion groups and Q & A after most sessions

3:00 Seminar ends

Schedule subject to change

Presenter Duane Britton has served in a variety of management and senior leadership roles in corporate, business, and non-profit organizations. Duane has served for the past 35 years in a variety of leadership positions in both the church and business world. He recently turned over leadership after serving 17 years as the lead elder of DOVE Westgate Church. Duane holds a master’s degree in psychology/counseling. Duane’s blend of gifts include teacher, administrator, counselor, mediator, and speaker. He and his wife, Reyna, have been married thirty-six years.