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Affiliated Schools

Credits earned through the live classroom, livestream, or online school can be transferred to Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary, Elim Bible Institute and College, or Wagner University as you journey through further education. Come and learn, do, and then learn some more!

Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary

Students successfully completing the DOVE Global Leadership & Ministry School may now transfer into Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary with 13.5 credits of advanced standing toward a bachelor’s degree. CBCS is a fully accredited university with the Oxford Educational Network. They are located in Ridgely, Maryland, and offer distance learning.

Elim Bible Institute and College

Graduates of the DOVE school may now transfer 9 credits towards a bachelor’s degree in theology or launch certificate as well as 6 credits towards an associate’s of science degree in biblical studies and theology at Elim Bible Institute and College. Additionally, students may receive up to 4 credits for their internship, contingent on their practical field study at DOVE. EBIC is located in Lima, New York.

Wagner University

Another flexible training alternative is Wagner University which was founded by C. Peter Wagner. Students completing the DOVE school will be eligible for admission into the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs with 2/3 advanced standing.