Core Instructors
It has been said, “You never take a class, you take a teacher.” In this school you will learn from practitioners who are still “doing it” and who will teach you how to “do it.” These men and women will encourage and empower you to find your place of fruitfulness in life, culture, and ministry.
Bobby Alger
Wanda Alger
Wanda Alger is an ordained minister, commissioned fivefold prophet, speaker, and author. Her writings have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma magazine, and numerous online outlets. She also hosts a YouTube and Rumble channel where she posts weekly videos. She has produced numerous books as well as several video and audio teaching series which are available at www.wandaalger.me and Amazon.
Joel Bomberger
Joel Bomberger has served as a missionary with HarvestNet International. He has experience as a youth evangelist at Ephrata Community Church and with YWAM Circuit Riders as an evangelist on college campuses. More recently, he has been involved with the Jesus Rallies in Lancaster County, PA. He lives in Huntington Beach, CA with his wife and four children. One of Joel’s favorite quotes is, “Save the lost, revive the saved, and train them all.”
Duane Britton
Peter Bunton
Peter Bunton, originally from Great Britain, lives in Pennsylvania. His main responsibility as the director of DOVE Mission International is to help develop and send missionaries from the USA. He is also a member of the DOVE Europe apostolic team. Peter holds a PhD in missiology from the University of Manchester, England. His most recent publication is Succeeding at Succession: Founder and Leadership Succession in Christian Organizations and Movements (Wipf & Stock).