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2024 – 2025 Schedule

September 13–14

Destiny, Spiritual Gifts, and Leadership

Discover how to recognize spiritual gifts in yourself and others as you develop leadership skills.

Friday | 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

  1. Identity to Destiny: Brian Sauder
  2. Fields of Ministry: Merle Shenk
  3. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Merle Shenk

Saturday | 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

  1. Spiritual Gifts – Holy Spirit: Bobby Alger
  2. Holy Spirit Gifts Workshop: Bobby Alger
  3. Fivefold Ministry: Wanda Alger
  4. Answering the Call of God: Kim Zimmerman
  5. Lunch (12:30 pm to 1:30 pm)
  6. Spiritual Gifts – Motivational: Wes Dudley
  7. Personality Profiles: Brian Sauder
  8. Personality Profile Applications/Team Building: Brian Sauder

October 11–12

Fivefold Ministry and New Testament Leadership

God’s plan for leadership and maturing His church is found in the New Testament model.

Friday | 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

  1. Apostles and the Kingdom of God: Merle Shenk
  2. Pioneering Faith: Sam Smucker
  3. Identifying and Releasing Leaders: Sam Smucker

Saturday | 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

  1. Modern Day Apostles: Brian Sauder
  2. Apostolic Strategy: Brian Sauder
  3. How to Heal the Sick: Lee DeMatos
  4. Healing Service: Lee DeMatos
  5. Lunch (12:30 pm to 1:30 pm)
  6. Finding and Following Your Calling: Isaac Gomez
  7. Prophets and Prophetic Ministry: Erin Herndon
  8. Prophecy Workshop: Erin Herndon

November 8–9

Helping People Find Freedom

Learn how to set people free and make them whole in spirit, soul, and body.

Friday | 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

  1. Deliverance: Jake Kail
  2. Breaking Curses/Soul Ties: Jake Kail
  3. Bonus Session: Jake Kail

Saturday | 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

  1. Leadership and Decision-Making: Brian Sauder
  2. Ungodly Beliefs: Nelson Martin
  3. Spirit/Soul Hurts: Nelson Martin
  4. The Prayer Life of a Leader: Kim Zimmerman
  5. Lunch (12:30 pm to 1:30 pm)
  6. Overcoming Offenses: Shawn Weaver
  7. Balance and Boundaries: Lester Zimmerman
  8. Prayer and Fasting: Brian Sauder

December 13–14

Revival, the Bible, and Church History

Study, interpret, and proclaim the scriptures and develop an appreciation for church history.

Friday | 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

  1. The Identity of a Leader: Steve Prokopchak
  2. How Christianity Changed the World: Peter Bunton
  3. Apologetics Overview: Gary Buck

Saturday | 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

  1. Developing Sermons (Homiletics I): Dave Hess
  2. Preaching so People Will Listen (Homiletics II): Dave Hess
  3. Revival in Church History I: Barry Wissler
  4. Revival in Church History II: Barry Wissler
  5. Lunch (12:30 pm to 1:30 pm)
  6. Interpreting the Scriptures – Brian Sauder
  7. Interpreting the Scriptures Workshop – Brian Sauder
  8. Revival – Cordell Huyard

January 1011

Missions and Practical Ministry Skills

Learn the importance of missions, how to prepare, and God’s plan to finance missions.

Friday | 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

  1. The 21 Tests of Leadership: Larry Kreider
  2. The Fear of the Lord: LaVerne Kreider
  3. Intimacy with God: LaVerne Kreider

Saturday | 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

  1. Understanding Islam: Bruce Heckman
  2. Evangelizing Muslims: Bruce Heckman
  3. Authority and Accountability: Deryl Hurst
  4. Practical Pastoral Tips: Deryl Hurst
  5. Lunch (12:30 pm to 1:30 pm)
  6. The Call to Missions: Peter Bunton
  7. Servant Leadership: Merle Shenk
  8. Hearing the Voice of God: Merle Shenk

February 7–8

Advanced Ministry Skills

Learn about God’s plan for a victorious, supernatural church and how you can be a part of it.

Friday | 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

  1. Ministry Motivation – Ron Myer
  2. Igniting the Fivefold – Ron Myer
  3. Lengthening and Strengthening/New Testament Leadership – Brian Sauder

Saturday | 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

  1. Victorious Eschatology: Brian Sauder
  2. The Character of a Leader: Nate Monyer
  3. Personal Development I: Bryan Stevenson
  4. Personal Development II: Bryan Stevenson
  5. Lunch (12:30 pm to 1:30 pm)
  6. Kingdom Business – Deryl Hurst
  7. Prosperity: The God of More than Enough – Brian Sauder
  8. Prosperity: Financing the Great Commission – Brian Sauder

March 7–8

The Kingdom of God

Discover the many dynamic aspects of the gospel of the Kingdom of which Jesus spoke.

Friday | 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

  1. Kingdom Leadership Training – Tony Fitzgerald
  2. From a Church Mentality to a Kingdom